Publicações acadêmicas e estudos que envolvem o DataViva
8 de Maio, 2023
Autor(es): Fabricio Silveira, João P. Romero, Arthur Queiroz, Elton Freitas, Alexandre Stein
This study analyzes the link between regional economic complexity (ECI-R) and deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon between 2006 and 2021. Findings suggest an 'environmental Kuznets curve': a 0.1 increase in ECI-R initially raises deforestation by 28%, then reduces it by 8.4% the following year. Environmental fines and higher complexity correlate with lower deforestation and job growth, highlighting the need for sustainable policies balancing development and conservation.
Baixar arquivo (PDF)1 de Agosto, 2022
Autor(es): João P. Romero, Elton Freitas, Fabrício Silveira, Gustavo Britto, Fernanda Cimini, Frederico G. Jayme Jr.
The paper provides three contributions to the literature on economic complexity and regional development using data from Brazilian municipalities. First, it reports econometric tests of the relationship of regional economic complexity, calculated using employment data, and the logarithms of GDP per capita and of formal employment per capita.
Baixar arquivo (PDF)1 de Abril, 2023
Autor(es): Arthur Ribeiro Queiroz, João Prates Romero, Elton Eduardo Freitas
Industrialización, política industrial, diversificación de la producción, competitividad,
empleo, desarrollo económico, desarrollo regional, economía regional, Brasil
1 de Janeiro, 2017
Autor(es): Larissa Vieira Resende, João Prates Romero
Baixar arquivo (PDF)1 de Janeiro, 2018
Autor(es): Coleção População e Economia - CEDEPLAR UFMG
Livro pensado e aprimorado por diversos autores a partir dos debates e polêmicas dos Seminários sobre a crise brasileira e da disciplina sobre Elementos para Alternativas para o Brasil.